Using Google Forms to easily create surveys for your patients. These can be used in conjunction with “Auto SMS” from Main Menu/Letters to automatically send text messages to patients after they collect glasses or have a sight test only.

Go to

  1. Click on “Blank Form”

  • Highlight “Untitled Form” at the top and change it to the name of the survey. Eg Prais Opticians patient satisfaction survey.

  • Change “Form description” to something suitable

  • Change “Untitled Question” to the wording for your first question. EG Please rate the service you received on your visit.

  • Click on the down arrow to the right of where it says “Multiple Choice” and choose “Linear Scale”

  • Type in appropriate names next to 1 and 5 eg. Poor and Excellent
  • Choose required in the bottom right corner

  • Click on the plus on the right to “add question”

  • Type in the next question and choose the type of answers using the drop down arrow next to “Multiple Choice”

  • Continue using the “Add Question” button to add as many questions as you wish.
  • Once you have added all your questions you can then click on the “Colour Palette” button in the top right corner to change the look of the survey.

  • Then click on the “Settings” button in the top right corner.

  • Click on “Presentation”
  • Untick “Show link to submit another response”
  • Type in a confirmation message such as “Thank you for taking the time to help us help you”
  • Click on Save

  • Click on “SEND” in top right corner of main screen – this will not send it immediately.
  • Click on the “Hyperlink” button (to the right of the envelope)
  • Tick “shorten URL”
  • Click “Copy”

  • Then go and paste into a word document or somewhere else where you can get that URL again in the future as you will need to put it in an SMS that you will send to patients.
  • Then click on the X in the top right corner of that settings window to close the settings.
  • Click on “Untitled Form” in top left corner of main screen and Type in a name that the survey will be saved with, in your Google Drive and click on the back arrow to the left.

  • To alter the Survey or to see responses you can go into your Google Drive and find the File name. Double click to open it and you can then edit the questions or check the responses.

  • Once the survey has opened on the screen you can click on “Responses” to see how many different replies you got.

  • You can also click on the 3 vertical dots (Top right) and then make a copy of the survey to make a new survey. You can also bin the survey from there.


Example questions:

  • What is your name? (Put this question in as required)
  • Please rate your experience at our practice.
  • Were the reception staff helpful?
  • Was any member of staff outstanding? (You could list staff names to choose from so that you can give staff bonuses if they get outstanding)
  • Was your eye examination carried out professionally.
  • Did you get seen on time?
  • How did you hear about our practice, if this was your first visit?
  • How did you find the practice’s general appearance?
  • When you booked your appointment, did you get an appointment for your preferred time?
  • Are out practice opening times adequate for you?
  • Did you pick up any information leaflets?
  • Do you find our selection of magazines suitable?
  • Did the Optometrist explain enough to you?
  • How helpful did you find our dispensing staff during the frame selection process?
  • Upon collection, how accurate and comfortable did you find the fitting of your frames?

You could also layout your survey by grouping questions together: