In Opticabase

Go to Lists -> Optometrists -> Online Appointment Types (Top of Optometrists’ screen) and add appointment types for each Optom/CL Fitter. Eg. An Optom may do Eye Exams and CL Checks but a CL Fitter will only do CL Checks.

You should also go into Lists and Diary Times and tick the Show Online box next to each appointment that you want to show online when you add in a new page to the diary.

Not all appointments will show online. You choose which show and which don’t. You have 2 options for making appointments visible online. First option is to click on the square to the left of the type of appointment on the Diary in Opticabase to open the large notes box. Then tick the www box. The second option is to go into Lists -> OnLine Diary (Bottom of first column) and select the appointments there.

Basically 3 things to do initially:

  1. Lists -> Optometrists -> Online appointment types and add appointment types for each Optom/CL Fitter.
  2. Lists -> Diary Times and tick “show online” next to the appointments you wish to show online when creating a new diary page.
  3. Lists -> Online Diary and tick all the existing appointment slots that you want to show online.

To see which appointments and how many have been made online you can go to Till and click on “Appts Booked”.

You must always contact patients who have booked online to confirm their appointments. Online bookings have a higher rate of no shows than bookings in person/on the phone.