To send SMS messages to your patients automatically at a set time interval after they have bought glasses you would do as follows:

Go into Letters from the Main Menu.

Click on “Auto SMS Messages” to bring up a window as below.SMS ListGive each of your SMS messages a Title and then fill in a message. “Auto send SMS” should be ticked if you want them to automatically send everyday. Set “Last Date” sent as today.

Close that window and click on “Auto SMS List”

SMS Messages

Choose an SMS Title and how many weeks after the collection date (or sight test if it is a ST Only SMS). Enter a minimum dispense value (Set as £0.00 if ST only). Tick Bought Specs for non ST Only messages.

ST Only messages are only sent to those patients whose “Px Advice” on the Final Exam page says “No change in Rx” or “New Rx”. If it has been left blank or says “No Rx” the patient would not get a text message.

Close that window.

On the Lists page there is a button (Reports) to show you a list of all these patients. The reports also show patients who would be sent an SMS but do not have a mobile number so that you could phone their landline instead.

SMS Reports





If you do not want a patient to appear on this list or get an auto SMS you can tick “No Promo” on their Patient Details” screen.

If they do not wish to receive SMS texts but give you their mobile number – just type “NO texts in front of their mobile number on the Patient Details screen eg. No Texts 07711 6600915. Simply put, to receive texts, the mobile number must start with 07.