You sometimes cannot put everything you want to say in the 160 characters of an SMS message. The best solution is to include a link to your jpg picture or pdf file in the message. You can set this up as follows:

  1. Sign up/Log in to mailchimp at
  2. Click on “Templates” at the top
  3. Click on “Content Management” (top right)
  4. Click “Upload” (Top right)
  5. Browse and upload your jpg picture or pdf/doc document.
  6. Once uploaded, click on the large square of your uploaded file and then click on “View Details” (top right).
  7. Then click edit image if you wish to add text or alter the image and then click “Copy URL”.
  8. As the url  address will be very long you will want to shorten it to reduce the characters used up in your SMS message. So go to
  9. Paste the long url from mailchimp into the long box in
  10. Then make a note of the shortened URL that you get. You can ignore the http:// and just use…….
  11. Add that shortened url into your SMS marketing message. eg. Find our latest fantastic offers at