How to send electronic GOS forms is you use Opticabase Clinical.

You must do an Exam for a Primary Exam and Supp for a Supplementary Exam. You must also do a dispense as usual for every GOS 1 Primary and Supplementary.

  1. Open (using Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) and log in to the Webform as usual.
  2. You can then minimise the internet browser eg Google Chrome/Internet Explorer.
  3. Each patient that you need to upload just click on eGOS on the patient details screen.
  4. Answer the few questions. eg Is this a Primary, a Supp or Both examination.
  5. The webform should then open filled in with most of the details.
  6. You will need to then fill in the “Practitioner’s Declaration” area with “Patient was referred by ……..” and “The patient has ………”eGOS-Practitioners-Declaration
  7. Check all the details look correct and fill in the person who signed name/address if it was not the patient.
  8. Then click “Prepare to submit” at the bottom of the screen.