Connect with your patients using a Windows tablet. Book patients in, ask questions and record consent signatures. (£10+vat/month add on – one extra MAR coat sale could more than cover the cost)

Advantages of eyeConnect:

  • Collect correct patient data, such as name, address, phone numbers, e-mail and GP details.
  • Gain insight into your practice from a patient’s perspective by using carefully worded questions.
  • Increase sales by showing “answer specific” adverts eg. MAR advert to a driver.
  • Record consent/acknowledgment signatures

eyeConnect initial set up:

  • Save adverts as .jpg in the “C:/Opticabase/Ads” folder on the main Opticabase PC.(1000 x 600 pixels)
  • Questionnaires are set up in Opticabase. Lists and then “Tablet” (in the first column).
  • EyeConnect password is set up in Opticabase. Lists and then “Practice Details”.
  • On the tablet: Click on the Windows button (Bottom left of screen). Click on “Settings”. Click on “Devices”. Click on “Typing”. Turn on “Add the standard keyboard layout as a touch screen option” and “Show the touch keyboard or handwriting panel….”
  • On the tablet you must bring up the keyboard on screen and then click on the keyboard picture in the bottom right of the on screen keyboard. Then choose the far right keyboard from the row of 4 keyboard options. That will give you a new keyboard with a number row at the top. Close the keyboard.
  • There needs to be a folder called C:/Opticabase/Keyboard with the keyboard file in it on the tablet.

eyeConnect “set up” screen:

  1. Click on “Copy Ads” to copy them across from the main PC.
  2. Choose a default questionnaire which will be shown to every patient.
  3. Choose a default advert which will be shown unless it is overridden by a different advert by the patient’s answers to the questionnaire.
  4. Fill in the data protection wording which will show on the “Patient details screen” for the patient.


Instructions for use:

  1. Open eyeConnect on the tablet
  2. Make sure that the keyboard is showing then click Open.
  3. Choose either Auto Repeat and give to patient or choose Individual and then type in Pxs ID and continue with number 4.
  4. Choose a questionnaire and or advert or leave them as “None” or clear them.
  5. Type in the tablet password on the right
  6. “Click on Patient Details button” and give the tablet to the patient.
  7. To get out of the “Thank you” screen. Double tap on where “Thank you very much…” is written.


Analysing data from eyeConnect:

Within Opticabase you can discover the following information from the “Till” screen:

  • How many patients gave which answers to which questions.
  • You can search for who gave a specific answer to a question.
  • You can see how many of each advert were shown to patients.



At the end of a patient booking in or answering a questionnaire you can go to the Signature Form to have them sign for various reasons, such as acknowledgment that you will send recalls or consent for you to send marketing.

You can set up the wording against what the patient is signing in Opticabase –> Main Menu –> Lists –> SigPad

Then on the Signature screen you choose from the dropdown what the patient is signing for.

You can view what patients have signed for in Opticabase on the Patient Details screen by clicking on the wording just below “contact by” in the left hand column.


To switch between eyeConnect and Opticabase you can DOUBLE tap on the following screens approx 1 cm below the top left corner of the screen:

  • Start Screen
  • Search for patient screen
  • Thank you screen