To simplify barcode scanning you can use the Android app called Scan Pet.

Scan Pet scans all your frame barcodes using your phone and then you can email the list (Excel file) to your PC where you can import it on the Stock Take screen.

Setting up Scan Pet

  • Download an install Scan Pet from Google Play Store
  • Tap Everyday license to bring up the Main screen as below

Scan Pet MainMenu

Choose Preferences


Choose Barcode Scanner

  • Untick show edit form after scan
  • Tick multiline mode
  • Then tap on the phone’s “back button”

ScanPet - Barcode Scanner

Choose Basic Parameters

  • Tap on Excel template and type in framestemplate.xls (all in lowercase) and tap ok.
  • Tap on Excel output and type in frames.xls (all in lowercase) and tap ok.
  • Then tap on the phone’s “back button”

ScanPet-Basic Parameters

Choose Excel Columns

  • Tap on the top column called Barcodes and change the following details:
    Name: Barcode
    DataType: Short Text
    Editable Field: Tick
  • Then tap on the tick in the bottom left corner


  • Tap on the small arrow on the right of all other columns for approx 2 seconds and then delete each one so you end up with only 1 column called Barcode.


  • Once you have a single column called Barcode you should tap on the green arrow (bottom left) and then on the green tick to save the changes


Using Scan Pet:

  1. Click New File.
  2. Tap on the tick to leave Filename as it shows.
  3. Scan each barcode
  4. Press back button on your phone
  5. Tap on Send/Receive
  6. Choose Email and email to your PC.
  7. Open the email on your PC and save the attachment as frames.xls in the C:\Opticabase\Imports folder
  8. Open the Excel file on your PC. Delete the whole top header line. (by right clicking on the far left of row 1 and left click delete).
  9. Insert a new row at the top (by right clicking on the far left of row 1 and left click insert).
  10. Type the word Barcode in the top box above all the barcodes.
  11. Close and save the Excel file
  12. Go to Lists/Frames/Stock Take
  13. Click on “Start Stock Take”.
  14. Click on “Import Stock Barcode File”
  15. When the importing says “Finished importing” you can click on “Stock Nos not in Opticabase” to see which barcoded frames are not in Opticabase. Those will then need to be manually added in as frames into Opticabase and then use the Find Stock No boxes at the top of the Stock Take screen to add them into the stock take.
  16. Frames left in “Opticabase after Stock Take” button will show you if you have any frames in Opticabase that where not scanned so may have been stolen or disposed of. You will need to remove these from the usual Frames Stock list by clicking the double headed arrow button on the right of each row next to each frame you need to remove.
  17. Post stock take list button will give you a list of your stock level at stock take.