Frames can have the retail price automatically calculated after the cost value is input.

Go into “Frames” from Lists and then click on the “Stock Mark Up” button in the top right corner.

That brings up the following screen:

Frame Mark Up

Enter a formula into each of the boxes (call us for help if necessary).

If you wish to do an update on ALL the frames then use the buttons in the top right corner, otherwise when you enter a cost price for a frame, on the “Frame Stock” screen,it will automatically update the individual frame.


Q. Multiply by 3 and Round up to nearest £1.00
A. Round((Cost * 3 * VAT), 0)

Q. Multiply by 1.7, Add £10, Add VAT, Add £10, Round up to nearest £1
A. Round(((Cost * 1.7) + 10) * (VAT)) + 10, 0)

Q. Multiply by 3, Add VAT and Round up to the nearest £5? (N.B. Rounding up uses Int with negative divider and multiplier)
A. Int((((Cost * 3) + 0) * (VAT)))/-5)*-5

Q. Rounding X to the nearest £N
A. Round(X / N)*N

Q. Rounding X up to the nearest £N
A. Int(X / -N)*-N