Keeping track of Campaigns (eg. 20% off Specs Summer 2016) and how new patients were recommended to you.

  1. Create a List of Campaigns and Recommendations in Lists –> Campaigns (Bottom of Patient Details Column)
  2. When a new patient comes  in, choose the “New Recommendation” reason on their patient details screen – half way down the right hand side.
  3. If they have been recommended by a patient at your practice you can click on the “By” button next to the Recommendation dropdown list and then choose the patient who did the recommending. That way you can monitor (on the Till screen) to see if any specific patients are recommending lots of others and how much they are spending.
  4. When a patient comes in from a campaign eg. has a 20% off Specs Summer 2016 leaflet, then click on “Campaigns” button on their patient details screen – half way down the right hand side. Then choose the campaign from the dropdown list.

To see how well the recommendations or campaign are going you can go to Till and then click on the “New Recommendations” or “Campaigns” buttons. These will show you how much money has been spent on glasses for the New Patients or Campaigns.